Technology changes daily and, because of this, so do the scholarships for students who want to work in that field. You might not know your major yet, but you might already know that you want courses with equations, formulas, and puzzles.
If you’ve already decided to pursue a degree in technology or STEM, it is best to look for available scholarships as early as now. You’ll have more options and more time to prepare for the requirements. Check out some amazing technology scholarships available today below.
Alaska Space Grant Program – Undergraduate
The Alaska Space Grant Program (ASGP) is a group of public and private universities and non-profits. They fund a wide range of programs to improve teaching, research, and educational outreach in Alaska in the areas of earth science, space science, and other STEM fields related to NASA.

In 1991, the University of Alaska Fairbanks started the Alaska Space Grant Program (ASGP) with a grant from NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program Phase II Program Grant.
The Alaska Space Grant Program (ASGP) lets US citizens apply for grants to help pay for college. People with disabilities, under-represented minorities, and women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Asia SiVon Cottom Scholarship
The Asia SiVon Cottom Scholarship gives between $500 and $2,000 per year to awardees. The ASC Scholarship Committee decides each year how much money to give out and how many scholarships to give. This is based on how much money is available and how many qualified students there are.

This award aims to make it possible for students to go to college without taking on too much debt. All scholarships are put right into the student’s tuition account for the fall semester of their school year. The award can be used for up to four years of college as long as the student keeps a GPA of 3.0.
Prospective new applicants must be US citizens who are high school seniors going to an accredited college or university in the US, returning college students going to an accredited college or university in the US, or graduate students going to an accredited college or university in the US.
Association for Iron & Steel Technology Scholarships
The Premier Scholarship offered by the Association for Iron & Steel Technology is a one-year, $12,000 scholarship with a paid summer internship. It will be given to the applicant with the highest score out of all those who apply. The applicant must commit to a paid summer internship at a North American steel-related company and be a citizen of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.

Students in engineering, engineering technology, computer science, data science, safety, or industrial hygiene programs are eligible to apply. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in college, as well as seniors who want to go to graduate school, can apply.
The applicant must be enrolled full-time in a four-year undergraduate program (minimum of 12 credits) or a graduate program (minimum of 8 credits) at an accredited North American university. The applicant should have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4.0.
Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) Scholars Program at UMBC
The Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) is an organization whose mission is to increase the number of women employed in sectors related to technology development, including engineering and information technology.

At UMBC, the CWIT program offers merit-based scholarships to bright female undergraduate students who are majoring in the following.
- Computer science,
- Information systems,
- Business technology administration (with a technical focus),
- Computer engineering,
- Mechanical engineering,
- Chemical/biochemical/environmental engineering,
- Any other program that is related to these areas.
Cognizant Making the Future Scholarship
Scholarship America runs several STEM-focused programs, such as the $5,000 Cognizant Making the Future Scholarship from a fast-growing tech company in New Jersey on the Fortune 500 list.

Those who want to apply must be US citizens or legal residents attending a two- or four-year college full-time in science, technology, engineering, or math with a 2.5 GPA or higher. Students are judged on their creative, hands-on projects in robotics, 3D modeling, software programming, or similar fields.
The goal of the Cognizant Making the Future Scholarship is to help students learn in a way that will help them keep their minds sharp. Its main goal is to promote quality education not only in the US but also in faraway places with little financial stability.
Davidson Fellows Scholarship
The Davidson Fellows Scholarship gives money to talented young people under 18 who have done something important. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Literature, Music, Philosophy, and “Outside the Box” are the categories for applications.

Every year, congressional meetings and a special reception are held in Washington, D.C., to honor Davidson Fellows. Applicants must be 18 years old or younger and US citizens or permanent residents. This scholarship is age-based, not grade-specific, allowing any student under 18 to apply.
Davidson Fellows must be able to attend the awards reception and other events in September in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with at least one parent or guardian.
ExxonMobil Bernard Harris STEM Scholarships
In partnership with ExxonMobil, Dr. Bernard Harris, Jr. Foundation gives out four $5,000 STEM scholarships to African-American and Hispanic seniors in 69 Council of the Great City Schools districts from Anchorage to Philadelphia.

Accepted applicants of color must show they are good leaders and have the academic skills to complete a bachelor’s degree in science, technology, engineering, or math. Their unweighted GPA must be at least 3.0.
Two African American and two Hispanic students in their senior year of high school will receive the scholarship. Applicants may also be full-time students at a four-year college or university majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM).
Great Minds in STEM/HENAAC Scholars Program
Students can get scholarships from Great Minds in STEM ranging from $500 to $10,000. They can also get help going to the annual Hispanic Engineers National Achievement Awards Conference, where they can meet their sponsors, compete, build their professional networks, and look for jobs.

The program aims to help more underrepresented and underserved STEM college students stay in school and finish. There are more than 100 different scholarships based on merit. To get up to $10,000, you must enroll full-time in a STEM undergraduate or graduate program at an ABET-accredited school.
Great Minds in STEM applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students at a US college or university who have shown academic excellence, leadership, and community involvement, are pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering, or math, and are either of Hispanic descent or have done leadership or service work in the Hispanic community.
Marine Technology Society ROV Scholarship
The Marine Technology Society, whose motto is “Opportunity Runs Deep,” gives the ROV Scholarship of up to $8,000 to full-time college undergraduate or graduate students interested in powering remotely-operated vehicles to guide underwater research.

MTS members who want to join must attend a four-year, accredited college, major in marine technology or engineering, and show a certified transcript with a GPA of at least 3.0. The John C. Bajus and Charles H. Bussmann Scholarships are also a source of money.
Applicants must be MTS student members interested in remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) or underwater work that improves the use of ROVs. They must also attend a MATE Partner college or university or have competed in a MATE ROV Competition. Applicants must provide an essay, one letter of recommendation, one letter of reference, and an official, sealed transcript.
National Space Club Keynote Scholarships
Since 2013, the National Space Club and Foundation has given a student a chance to give a keynote speech at their annual Goddard Memorial Dinner, one of the most prestigious events in the space industry.

The student must want to work in the Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) fields, be doing well in school, and be able to speak in front of groups. The person who is chosen will not only speak at the Goddard Memorial Dinner but will also receive a $15,000 scholarship.
This scholarship goes to a US citizen who is a senior in high school or a graduate student at an accredited school in the US and wants to work in the STEM field. Those who want to apply must be US citizens, go to school full-time for a STEM major like technology, have a minimum “B” average, be first-time speakers, and have plans to work in the astronautics industry.
Palantir Women in Technology Scholarship
According to Forbes, Palantir Technologies, Inc., is one of the most valuable private technology companies in Silicon Valley. The Women in Technology Scholarship was created in 2010 to provide financial support to undergraduate women studying a STEM field at a university in the United States.

For the $10,000 award, you must have a strong focus on computer science, be a sophomore, and have an overall GPA of at least 3.0. Applicants must include a 500-word essay about a technology solution they have been working on.
This year, 10 scholarship recipients will be selected and invited to join virtual professional development programs designed to help them effectively launch their careers in technology. In 2023, every scholarship winner who has finished the program will be allowed to interview for an internship or full-time job with Palantir.
Also Read: Discover How to Apply for Government Assistance for the Unemployed
There are many scholarship opportunities for sciences and technology. You only need to look for the one that best suits your needs and interests. When it comes to submitting a scholarship application, earlier is always better. So look for scholarships right away.