Have you been struggling to find a cloud storage service for your data with enough storage space at an affordable price? Wasabi is a tier-free enterprise class and instantly available storage service that offers you enough space to store an infinite data amount.
At $5.99 monthly fee per terabyte, Wasabi gives you an S3-compliant interface and a number of storage applications, platforms, and gateways to use.
Are you looking for a cloud storage service that is affordable? Read on to learn more about Wasabi, and the good and bad of this company.

How Wasabi Works
To use Wasabi, you need to first sign up on their website. You will need to fill in your name, email address, phone number, country, company name and amount of storage you want.
Then you will need to create a Wasabi account after which you will be asked to create a “Bucket”. A bucket is the wasabi term for controlled data space where you will store your files.
You are allowed to create as many buckets as you wish, manage their access and partition off sections to serve different roles. You can give them different security settings if you like too.
After creating buckets, now you are ready to upload folders and files to them and manage their access. Moreover, everything in the web app like compliance tools, group, and policy management are all easy to configure.
Data Durability
Data durability is the long-term data protection. In other words, it is the way stored data is protected from bit rot, corruption, or degradation.
Data durability means that if you store about 10 million objects, then you might lose a bit of your data every 10,000 years. This brings wasabi data durability to 99.9%. This should be enough data durability, given its cost.
Wasabi has better performance compared to it’s competitors, Amazon AWS S3. Judging from the Cloud Object Storage Benchmark (COSBench) tool, which was used to test its performance, and results indicate that Wasabi has a better performance.
The only time AWS beat Wasabi was during 10KB Read Performance test using 30 threads. Wasabi prides itself in simplifying the whole cloud offering space, all with one price and no hidden charges.
However, for people that prefer one vendor for all, Wasabi may not be your best bet. Also, it is limited in terms of coverage globally.
Unlimited Data
When you use wasabi-powered data, your business will be supplied with endless and always available data. After all, it’s the core of enterprise-ready business cloud.
While it is a necessity for many companies to migrate their data to a cloud, with Wasabi it is an opportunity. You get to choose a boundless cloud of storage, which costs 1/5th that of AWS S3 and is faster.
Other benefits you get to enjoy with Wasabi are an off-site disaster recovery, a second copy in the cloud, long term storage, and accessible and active data archive. No cloud storage competition beats Wasabi in terms of breakthrough price-performance.
Wasabi also boasts in offering fast speed, which is up to six times faster than Amazon S3. Also, they have default encryption whereby every stored file is encrypted at rest. It’s also easy to use – all you need to do is drag-and-drop items to your bucket.

Wasabi doesn’t have an ecosystem of services; rather it specializes in only cloud storage. Other services, like Cloud computing are missing.
They also have a limited number of storage centers. It is ideal for people or businesses that have a lot of data to store because the price for 1TB or 1KB of data is the same.
Wasabi Cloud Services are good for people that need to store a lot of data and are thinking of downloading data more often due to “Unlimited Egress data” policy.
But, if you are looking for various services, like Cloud computing, then look elsewhere. Also, if you are a small company, their steep price of “free” for limited support to “$300” for complete coverage might be not favorable.