3 Questions You Should Ask Your Web Design Company

If you’re looking to invest in a new website, hiring a web design company is your best option. There are many teams available nowadays, and at competitive prices, too. However, before you pick a design team, there are a few considerations you need to make. These four questions will help you pick the right candidate for the job:

Do you have an in-house development team, or do you outsource work?


A major reason why there’s an abundance of design firms is that they don’t necessarily have to have a team onsite. Outsourcing is easy and less expensive. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you’re comfortable with it. An offsite team might also mean a lower rate for you as a client. The only downside is that you’re not always able to communicate with the developers.

Many prefer in-house teams because clients can communicate their needs directly to the staff. A web design company with years of experience might work better as well, as they have been working on projects for a long time with the technology that they’re familiar with.

How common is the content management system (CMS) implemented on the site?


As the client, you’re supposed to have a say in the CMS your site uses. Beware, though as some systems may look and perform well, but will cause you problems in the long run. This is especially true for privately-owned systems. Open source systems, on the other hand, are easier to maintain as their use is more widespread.


Also Read: 4 Reasons to Hire a Web Design Company


What’s the rate based on and how do I pay?

You always want to make the budget of a project clear to the team. In turn, they should also be transparent about their rates. Some will have hourly rates, whilst some have project-based flat-fees. You should also ask how frequently their project spend more than the allotted budget. This will give you an idea how the firm works with money. It’s always a good idea to have a clear picture of how much you’re going to spend.

If you liked these tips, check out Oley Media Group web design company for more informative articles.